Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Coach
1. Clarity
A coach can help you sift through the noise of information overload and focus on the right things. This brings clarity and focus to the change process.
2. Outside perspective
Coaching provides the gift of outside perspective. It helps you see your strengths and weaknesses more accurately. It also helps you notice and manage thought distortions, lies you tell yourself, and thinking traps.
3. Recover from setbacks more easily
Coaching helps you dust off after setbacks and disappointments and keep moving forward. ‘Failures’ are important because they help you create sustainable change by forcing you to troubleshoot and experiment to find out what works for you. Overcoming obstacles and adversity along the way build confidence, teaching that you can still achieve your goals, mistakes and all.
4. Experience the transformative power of kindness
A good coach models kindness and compassion to facilitate change. You are likely your harshest critic and would prescribe more harshness, criticism and discipline. And you’d be wrong!
5. Soothe stress to enhance success
Coaching helps you manage the stress of change. Living in a frequent state of fight-or-flight is the biggest obstacle to creating sustainable change. In fact, the most direct route to your desires is soothing yourself into a state of peace.
6. Emotional hygiene
A coach can help you regularly process strong emotions so they are not stored in your body, unresolved. These unresolved emotions can build up, thwarting your progress and creating blockages.
7. Locate blind spots
Coaching helps you locate your blind spots so they don’t surreptitiously upend you. It’s hard to know what you don’t know, but coaching can help.
8. Accountability
A coach keeps you accountable to yourself, and that’s what matters. This allows you to walk your talk.
9. Acceptance vs. resistance
Coaching helps you navigate the paradox of resistance and acceptance toward unwanted things, conditions and circumstances in your life. Make no mistake, acceptance does not mean approval nor agreement, yet it is the secret ingredient for change.
10. Deep listening and presence
Never underestimate the profound impact of deep listening and being fully present when life is difficult. This energetic stance allows space for fluidity and change.
BONUS! Gain experience
If it’s true we learn from experience, then double your learning by piggy-backing your experience on top of mine.